Development of a Framework for Integrated Pavement Rehabilitation System for the State of Rhode Island

Development of a Framework for Integrated Pavement Rehabilitation System for the State of Rhode Island

Development of a Framework for Integrated Pavement Rehabilitation System for the State of Rhode Island

  • Completion Date: 2013
  • Funding Agency: The Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT)
  • Project Goal: The objective of this study was to integrate Pavement ME in the design process.
  • Paper Publication: Jha, V and Mehta, Y. “Evaluation of Cracking in Rhode Island, Proceedings of the ICTR Conference, Doha, Qatar, 2008.; Jha, V., Saridaki, E, Mehta, Y, Manning, F, and Byrne, M. “Development of Critical Tensile Strain Criterion to Evaluate Fatigue Cracking Using Field Performance Data of Existing Pavement Sections of the States of Rhode Island and New Jersey”. Proceedings of the Sensor Applications Symposium, New Orleans, LA, 2009.