Heavy Vehicle Simulator
Heavy Vehicle Simulator
About the Heavy Vehicle Simulator (HVS)
- Rowan’s HVS was obtained through a collaborative agreement with US Army Corps of Engineer – Cold Regions Research Engineering Laboratory (CRREL)
- The HVS is capable of subjecting full-scale pavement sections to the equivalent of 20 years of loading in as few as one to two months.
- As a results, Rowan’s HVS provides a shorter path for bridging the gap between laboratory and field performance of roadway and airport pavements.
- The HVS also allows for producing readily implementable research products without the need to initiate resource extensive pilot studies.
Capabilities of Rowan’s HVS
- Rowan’s HVS has the ability to simulate both truck and aircraft loading with a maximum capacity reaching 180 kN.
- The giant piece of equipment is also capable of simulating wander patterns. Such ability is of great importance to testing airport pavements.
- It can apply loading in two modes; uni-directional (up to 10,000 passes a day) or bi-directional (up to 20,000 passes a day).
- The HVS is also equipped with a heating and cooling to control air temperature within the vicinity of a test section.