Bridge Engineering
Bridge Engineering
Bridge Engineering
Advance current bridge monitoring methods to improve their structural evaluation, long-term performance, and management.
Machine Learning in Bridge Design and Monitoring
Featured Project
Dr. Islam M. Mantawy, Principal Investigator
The goal of this project is to develop deep understanding of different applications of machine
learning that are better suited for different structural and bridge engineering problems from structural
health monitoring/prediction, automated prediction of structural forms’ capacities; material
characteristics, and automated design practices.
Recent Research Projects
Bridge Deck Surface Profile Evaluation for Rapid Screening and Deterioration Monitoring
This research aims to develop an efficient LiDAR data collection procedure that enables
capturing the top surface geometry of bridge decks, for the improvement of inspection and monitoring
routines. Ultimately, this research will propose further steps for implementing LiDAR data collection as a
screening tool for bridge inspections.
Bridge Resource Program
The primary mission of the Bridge Resource Program (BRP) is to provide ongoing
engineering evaluation and research support to the NJDOT’s Division of Bridge Engineering and
Infrastructure Management. Major Goals of BRP is to (1) Preserve the state’s Bridge and Structural
Assets, (2) Optimize the overall condition of the state’s assets within available funding limits and (3)
Assist in developing the policy and standard based on new technologies to ensure structures safety and
preserve NJDOT’s structures.