Finite Element Response of Soils at All-Temperature for Cold Regions Pavement Design
Finite Element Response of Soils at All-Temperature for Cold Regions Pavement Design
Finite Element Response of Soils at All-Temperature for Cold Regions Pavement Design
Funding Agency: DOD
Abstract: The goal of this project is develop and validate a finite element model for predicting frost depth in soils and mechanistic responses of soils and unbound pavement layers. The objective of this project is to construct three full-scale pavement sections and monitor variations in temperatures and moisture content of unbound pavement layers. The first section will be constructed using typical NJ paving materials with no frost-susceptible unbound layers. The other two sections will be constructed using frost-susceptible subgrade (one section) and frost-susceptible base layer (one section). The research team at CREATEs will also evaluate the structural integrity of the pavement sections using a Heavy Weight Deflectometer (HWD). Testing using the HWD will be conducted twice a week. Upon completion of the section monitoring period, the research team will then evaluate the performance of the sections under full-scale loading applied using a Heavy Vehicle Simulator (HVS). Ultimately, all results will be utilized in calibrating the FROST model developed by the Army Corps of Engineers. By doing so, engineers will be able to design asphalt and rigid pavements using more cost-effective, scientific-based design methodologies.
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